
This self-treatment protocol is based on methods supported by medical research and clinical evidence.  While the methods are generally safe and can be done independently, it is always prudent to inform your doctor, especially if you have anything in your medical history that warrants extra care and attention.

In summary:

  1. Determine the corrective bending exercise for your condition and do it 2-3 times a day
  2. Apply pulsed EMF and infrared heat daily to enhance healing
  3. Use the PosturePump device daily to hydrate discs and restore lumbar curvature
  4. If your leg lengths are uneven, try using a shoe insert or heel lift in your shoe on the short leg.

Other things to do to enhance healing:

  1. Eat a healthy diet to give your body the building blocks it needs to repair damaged tissues:  about 75% plant (mostly dark colors), 15% protein, 10% healthy fats.  Drink only water with meals.
  2. Avoid toxin ingestion as best you can, in the air, water and what you consume.  Avoid/ minimize alcohol, drugs, sugar and highly processed food as they stress organs and systems that are involved in healing the area.
  3. Note how your injury/ pain occurred (a sport? work-related?  habit?  inactivity?), and make adjustments to avoid future injury or aggravation.
  4. Make sure you get adequate, quality sleep, since much healing takes place during sleep.
  5. When your pain is minimized, work on strengthening the area for prevention.

More Information on Pulsed EMF, Infrared and PosturePump


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