Body Aches, Pain, Loss of Mobility, and Low Energy Lessen the Quality of Life
Approximately 76.2 million people, one in every four Americans, suffer from pain lasting longer than 24 hours and millions more suffer from acute pain.* If you include the entire world population, this number is easily quadrupled. This is usually accompanied by other health issues because it hampers movement and physical activity which are important to health maintenance.
Many pain sufferers rely on pain medications, risking harmful side effects including stomach, kidney and heart damage. Others prematurely resort to invasive procedures such as surgery and nerve ablation that involve damaging adjacent structures. If not treated properly, pain is likely to become chronic (self-perpetuating).
This site serves as another resource to managing pain with an emphasis on reclaiming overall health. It was created in 2012 to advocate and demonstrate safer, natural, non-drug approaches to overcoming aches, pain, and decreased mobility and energy.
Optimizing the body’s healing potential is the foundation of all self-treatment strategies taught on this site. This includes adhering to a nutritionally-dense diet; detoxifying the major organs; reducing stress, and exercise. Then, self-treatment procedures are employed to enhance healing and restore strength, flexibility and coordination. This involves using a combination of joint and soft tissue mobilization, exercise rehabilitation and special therapeutic equipment
Telehealth: The Future of Healthcare is Here
The internet provides a limitless source of information for anyone with access. Many aspects of healthcare can be effectively disseminated via the web. This is the concept of telemedicine, also called telehealth. Hospital systems and private physicians realize the benefits of telehealth and are using it to educate and instruct patients in order to cut costs and improve treatment outcomes. After all, not all health conditions and procedures require a doctor’s prescription or in-office visit. Many maladies can be managed, cured and prevented using methods teachable online. This reduces dependency on harmful and questionable medications; encourages personal responsibility for one’s health and leads to longer-term results. Ask Dr. P is basically telehealth for self-resolving musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It’s an exciting time in healthcare, and we’ve only touched the surface of what is possible with telehealth technology.
Spread the Word, Help a Friend
The beauty of social media is that it enables people to quickly share information they find useful and/or interesting. If you find an article or video on this site useful, please share because there is a very good chance that someone in your circle (or an acquaintance of theirs) can benefit from it–you will be their hero!

About Dan Perez, DC
Dr. Perez is a long-time advocate of natural health, even before he knew it. As a child he resisted taking medicine and developed an aversion to the taste of salty, sugary junk food his well-intended mother provided during his upbringing. He is an avid reader on the topics of nutrition, exercise, longevity and wellness and incorporates what he reads into his own life.
As a 20 year practicing doctor of chiropractic who helped thousands of people over his career, Dr. Perez truly understands how structure (one’s spinal alignment, posture, joint movement and muscle strength and responsiveness) affects function (overall health). His life’s mission is to “evangelicize” the value of proactive wellness and research, develop and teach self-treatment approaches to those experiencing pain so that they may lead better lives.
*National Center for Health Statistics, 2006