The Pain & Injury Doctor ONLINE Newsletter

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Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Following Intense Sport or Physical Activity

small-runners legs male

What is Happening:

If you go running, lift weights or engage in arduous activity like a long hike, you probably feel good right afterwards. But after two days, you notice soreness and stiffness have suddenly appeared all over your body, especially in your legs making walking and moving an ordeal.   Your legs feel like painful, heavy and unbendable logs.  This condition is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS for short.

The delayed nature of muscle pain after hard exercise is due to the time it takes for offending biochemicals to build up to levels that are irritating to sensory nerves surrounding your muscles. These biochemicals are creatine kinase, hydroxyproline and lactate dehydrogenase and are released in response to muscle breakdown, called catabolism.  This is a normal event associated with arduous physical activity involving repeated muscle contraction, and is actually necessary for building muscle.

Recommended Home Therapy Products Covered in Today’s Newsletter:







Self-Treating Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

First of all, exercise regularly (as opposed to occasionally) to keep your muscles toned and conditioned to exercise. If your exercise sessions are too far apart (2-3 weeks or more) you don’t build up muscle conditioning and endurance and will be more prone to injuring yourself if you all of a sudden do an aggressive workout or physical activity. Engage in short distance running, aerobic exercises, and functional exercises at least once a week.

Consume complete protein six hours and two hours before your activity. I recommend a whey protein or pea protein smoothie (blend with almond milk or coconut milk). Throw in a raw egg as well.


Naked Whey Protein Powder

The Perfect Workout Partner: Create pre and post workout whey shakes, smoothies and recipes to take your muscle gains and recovery to new heights! Amino acids in whey are rapidly assimilated by your body, due to whey’s simple molecular structure. This means faster muscle repair.

The main reason why I recommend this brand? Only One Ingredient: 100% Grass Fed Pure Whey Protein with zero additives. I’m a big advocate of simplicity in food. The more ingredients, the more processing chemicals and additives. Naked Whey has no artificial sweeteners, flavors, or colors and is GMO-Free, Growth Hormone Free, Soy Free and Gluten-Free. The milk is sourced from small dairy farms in California to bring you a non-denatured whey packed full of essential amino acids, clean protein and glutathione.

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Take Curcumin and Astaxanthin supplements before you exercise. These are potent anti-oxidants that can help your body neutralize free radicals generated by exercise. Make sure to take with a meal that contains some fat.


Turmeric Curcumin Super Strength

Curcumin is a spice derived from turmeric, a root plant native to Asia. It has many documented health benefits. It is a natural antioxidant, which defends the cells of the body from injury by free radicals generated by extreme exercise. Researchers have found that turmeric extract guards against oxidative stress, reduces inflammation and even interferes with tumor growth.

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High Potency Astaxanthin Supplements

Astaxanthin is a compound found in marine algae that is responsible for its color. It also happens to have one of the highest anti-oxidant actions of all known plants, several hundred times stronger than blueberries. A marathon runner generates a large amount of reactive oxygen species during a race, also known as free radicals. The body has anti-oxidant defenses to neutralize them under normal conditions, but with extreme exercise those defenses are overwhelmed, and some free radicals go free to damage tissues. Boosting your anti-oxidant levels before a race will reduce the damage, and astaxanthin is your best choice. Consider it the “big gun” of diet-obtained anti-oxidants.

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Immediately after your activity, fill your bathtub with cold water and soak in it for 20 minutes. This dampens the low-grade inflammatory reactions occurring in your muscles from arduous exercise. If your water isn’t cool enough, add some ice cubes to reach the desired temperature.

Re-hydrate your body with a quart of coconut water.

When you feel DOMS coming (about 12-18 hours after your activity), soak in cold water again for 20 minutes, then follow it up with a warm Epsom salt bath. This tempers the inflammation, preventing it from going overboard.

Afterwards, do a 20 minute infrared sauna session. Dry off and apply Penetrex or Boswellia essential oil to your muscles.


Personal, Portable Infrared Sauna

If you can’t afford a two person sauna, this is the next best thing. The infrared light and heat from this portable sauna penetrates deep into muscles. Infrared light enhances cellular energy production, thereby improving tissue healing and reducing inflammation.

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Penetrex Topical Pain Reliever

Penetrex is a best-selling topical pain relieving cream that delivers Vitamin B6, Pyridoxine, Arnica, MSM, Cetyl Myristoleate, Glucosamine, Boswellia Serrata and other proven pain relief elements deep into muscles, nerves, ligaments & tendons. The resulting relief is quick, strong & long lasting.

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Do not stretch your legs during DOMS, just wait for the pain to go down, and then do light stretches.

Finally, take Formula 303 natural pain reliever to further reduce the effects of DOMS.


Formula 303 Natural Pain Reliever

Formula 303 is a natural pain relief supplement for muscle spasm & leg cramps; tension, stress, anxiety, insomnia, fibromyalgia, menstrual cramps, headaches and other forms of muscle pain. It contains 6 parts valerian root (quad-strength); 1x 3 parts passiflora (quad-strength); 1x 1 part magnesium carbonate.

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BOTTOM LINE:  Although you can never totally eliminate delayed onset muscle syndrome following intense, prolonged physical activity you can certainly minimize it so that you can go about your day like a normal human being, following your activity. Just do the above, recommended steps, and you’ll be good to go.

These are some of the products I recommend for DOMS. Most patients report good to great results; therefore, you have a very good chance of experiencing the same results.  ~Dr. Perez







Make sure to check out our store for the best home therapeutic products for pain!

The information contained in this email and on is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as a medical directive. It is provided as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dan Perez, D.C. Every person is unique, and individual cases of pain are therefore unique. Dr. Perez encourages readers of to use available sources of information to help them make a more educated and informed decision regarding their health, in partnership with one or more qualified health care professionals. participates in the Amazon affiliate program. Any product on this website that is purchased through an Amazon affiliate link may result in a small affiliate commission to us. This revenue helps us cover the costs of producing content for this site. Thank you for your support.

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