Do Butyeko Breathing During a Headache

buteykoDo three (3) series of Buteyko Breathing: This technique was developed in the 1950s to reverse health problems associated with improper breathing; specifically over-breathing and mouth breathing.  It’s based on the theory that too heavy or frequent breathing results in excessive CO2 loss and causes blood vessels and bronchial passages to constrict, reducing oxygenation of tissues.

To do it, take three, normal breaths (not too shallow, not deep), then hold your breath until you feel the first urge to breathe (twitching in diaphragm, throat or other contraction in the respiratory structures), and then returning to breathing without taking deep breaths but rather maintaining normal breathing as though you did not hold your breath.

Do every couple of hours throughout the day until your symptoms improve.  For a video of how to do it, click here.

NEXT:  Use a PosturePump

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