What Happens in the Lungs When You Breathe in Fine Particulate Matter?

Breathing is a natural process that ensures our body gets the oxygen it needs to function.  Oxygen’s main function is to convert your food to energy inside each cell, which needs a constant, uninterrupted supply.

fine particulate matter illustrated t to scaleThe quality of the air we breathe can have significant effects on our health, particularly when it contains fine particulate matter (abbreviated “PM2.5”).  Understanding the consequences of inhaling PM2.5 can underscore the importance of maintaining air quality and safeguarding our respiratory health.

What is Fine Particulate Matter?

Fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, refers to tiny particles or droplets in the air that are 2.5 micrometers (also called microns) in diameter or smaller, which is one millionth of a meter, and which can be man-made or natural.

To put it into perspective, a human hair has a diameter of about 70 micrometers, making PM2.5 particles nearly 30 times narrower than a human hair.  These particles can originate from various sources, including vehicle emissions, industrial processes, power plants, wood-burning, and certain natural processes such as wildfires and volcanic eruptions. 

fine particulate matter from wildfires, San Francisco in August 2020In late summer of 2020, the Bay Area of California experienced very dangerous levels of PM2.5 due to wildfires; so bad that people were instructed to remain indoors.  And on the day of and weeks following the 9-11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, thousands of people, especially first responders, breathed in the tons of fine particulate matter that were produced from the destruction.  Many are suffering from chronic lung problems, and many have died from ingesting these toxins into their lungs. 

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How Does PM2.5 Enter the Lungs?

When we breathe, air travels through our nose or mouth, down the trachea, and into our lungs via a network of progressively smaller tubes called bronchi. These further divide into tiny air sacs called alveoli, where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place between your blood and the atmosphere.

alveoli of lungs

Due to their minuscule size, PM2.5 particles can bypass the body’s natural defense mechanisms, such as nasal hairs and the mucociliary escalator:  the constant upflow of a thin layer of mucus lining the upper and lower respiratory tract, done by cilia, a hair like structure on the surface of all respiratory tract cells.   Foreign debris entering with the air gets trapped on this moving layer of mucus, and triggers you to spit it out, or swallow.  However, P2.5 is so light and tiny, many of them escape the mucus layer and make it all the way deep into your lungs, down to the alveoli.

Effects of PM2.5 on the Lungs

  1. Inflammation: Once PM2.5 particles reach the alveoli, they can cause inflammation. The body recognizes these particles as foreign invaders and activates immune responses. Inflammatory cells rush to the site, releasing various chemicals that can damage lung tissues.
  2. Aggravation of Respiratory Diseases: People with pre-existing respiratory conditions, such as asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), can experience exacerbations when exposed to high PM2.5 levels. The inflammation and irritation caused by the particles can constrict airways, leading to symptoms like wheezing, shortness of breath, and coughing.
  3. Decreased Lung Function: Chronic exposure to PM2.5 can lead to a decline in lung function over time. The damage and inflammation can lead to scarring of lung tissues, which reduces the lungs’ efficiency in oxygen exchange.
  4. Deep Systemic Effects: PM2.5 doesn’t just stay in the lungs. Some particles, especially those carrying toxic substances or heavy metals, can enter the bloodstream through the alveoli. This means that the effects of PM2.5 can be systemic, impacting other organs and systems like the heart and the vascular system.
  5. Increased Risk of Respiratory Infections: The inflammation and damage caused by PM2.5 can weaken the lungs’ defense mechanisms, making individuals more susceptible to respiratory infections like pneumonia.
  6. Lung Cancer: Extended exposure to high levels of PM2.5 has been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer. Some particulate matter can carry carcinogenic substances, which, when inhaled over time, can lead to DNA damage and cancerous growths.

Protecting Yourself from PM2.5

Given the potential risks associated with PM2.5 inhalation, it’s crucial to take steps to minimize exposure, especially in areas with frequent high PM2.5 levels.

  1. Monitor Air Quality: Stay informed about local air quality levels through apps, websites, or local news.
  2. Stay Indoors: During days with high PM2.5 levels, limit outdoor activities, especially strenuous ones like jogging or cycling.
  3. Air Purifiers: Consider investing in air purifiers with HEPA filters that can effectively remove fine particles from indoor air.  Even better, get the higher performing models that also include charged electrical fields to trap dangerous, cancer-causing fine particulate matter.
  4. Ventilation: Ensure that homes and offices are well-ventilated. Use exhaust fans, especially when cooking, to reduce indoor PM2.5 levels.
  5. Masks: In severely polluted environments, consider wearing masks like N95 respirators that can filter out fine particulate matter.  I would recommend using masks whenever you do things around the house that stir up fine particles, such as sawing wood, spray painting, cleaning up a dusty area, and even working with flour and finely ground spices.


The presence of fine particulate matter in the air poses a genuine health concern.  If you live in an area that gets wildfires, or downwind of an industrial zone, or a building demolition site, chances are, you are ingesting more P2.5 than the average person.  These tiny particles can deeply penetrate the lungs, and depending on their nature, can lead to a range of health problems from immediate respiratory symptoms to long-term conditions like lung cancer and emphysema. As global urbanization and industrialization continue, understanding the implications of PM2.5 and taking protective measures become increasingly vital for maintaining public health.

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