What is Causing the Alarming Rise in Cancer Rates in Young People?

What is Causing the Alarming Rise in Cancer Rates in Young People?

In recent years, a concerning trend has emerged in the world of cancer care: more and more individuals under the age of 50 are being diagnosed with various forms of cancer.   At the time of this writing, Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales (age 42) recently announced that she has cancer.   She had abdominal surgery in January of this year that was at first thought to be non-cancerous, but later diagnosed as cancerous (no details on the type of cancer have been released at this point). This phenomenon challenges the long-held belief that cancer primarily affects older adults, shedding light on a complex issue that demands attention and action.

Recent studies have revealed startling statistics, indicating a significant rise in early-onset cancer cases globally. From 1990 to 2019, the incidence of early-onset cancer increased by a staggering 79.1%, with a 27.7% rise in early-onset cancer deaths. This trend is particularly evident in the United States, where breast cancer tops the list of diagnoses among younger populations, closely followed by gastrointestinal cancers, including colon cancer which are increasing at an alarming rate.  Amazingly, the statistics show that someone born in 1990 has over twice the risk of getting colon cancer than someone born in 1950.  In other words, today’s 34 year olds are twice as likely to get colon cancer than today’s 74 year olds!

What factors are contributing to this concerning uptick in early-onset cancer? While genetics play a role, it appears that environmental and lifestyle factors are paramount. Changes in nutrition and lifestyle habits over the past few decades have created a perfect storm, with ultraprocessed foods, sugary drinks, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, and physical inactivity identified as potential culprits. These factors can disrupt the body’s internal processes, leading to inflammation and metabolic disturbances that increase cancer risk.

Moreover, emerging research suggests a link between changes in the gut microbiome—a community of microbes residing in our bodies—and cancer vulnerability. Poor dietary choices, excessive antibiotic use, and certain medications can disrupt this delicate balance, potentially facilitating cancer development.

As a long time advocate of using scientific thinking in everyday life, I think of the major environmental changes in society that coincided with the birth of millennials, born between 1981 and 1996, for this generation is getting hit the hardest with this uptick in cancer.   What new thing did this generation absorb, starting in their early prepubescent years? 

The one that comes to mind is cell phone use.  Cell phones started to become mainstream in the late 1990s.  Ten years later, about 80% of adults had one.  Of course, cell phones needed cell phone towers that carried the signals using radiofrequency waves, and today’s 5G networks have a frequency of about 25-52GHz.  Could this be a factor?  Yes, everyone who lives in modern society gets exposed to these frequencies, but maybe they do their damage when the body is still developing?  This may explain why people born in the 50s and before have about the same rates of cancer over the past decades.

Cancer is also associated with genetics.  Certain mutations can be the catalyst for cancer development, and maybe these new cell phone frequencies are able to affect DNA, which is passed onto the offspring?

Another possibility for the rising rates of cancer in young adults is the introduction of new industrial chemicals and food additives in consumer products and the food supply.  Chemicals are used for many different purposes, such as fire retardants, fabric manufacturing, materials engineering such as hardwood flooring, agriculture, and more.  Sometimes the use of these chemicals in consumer products are rushed for government approval and there hasn’t been enough time to conduct experiments on their toxicity to humans.  Ultra processed food have preservatives that help big food corporations produce more food that has longer shelf life and have addictive effects on consumers to encourage repeat buying.

Of course, many of these chemicals can find their way into the water supply and atmosphere, where they continue to be ingested, daily.  This is why I encourage everyone to invest in a home water filter and air purifier, like the AirDog.  You must be mindful of what goes into your body at all times.

Despite ongoing efforts to understand the root causes of early-onset cancer, many questions remain unanswered. While obesity and lifestyle factors explain some cases, there are instances where seemingly healthy individuals are diagnosed, highlighting the complexity of this issue. Additionally, underdiagnosis of early-onset cancers remains prevalent, emphasizing the need for improved awareness among primary care physicians and proactive advocacy by patients.

The consequences of early-onset cancer extend beyond diagnosis and treatment. Younger patients face unique challenges, including concerns about fertility, long-term side effects of treatment, and the impact on daily responsibilities such as work and education. Addressing these challenges requires a holistic approach that encompasses not only medical treatment but also psychological support and long-term care planning.

As we grapple with the implications of this unsettling trend, there is a pressing need for collective action. This includes increased funding for research, education campaigns to raise awareness among both healthcare professionals and the general public, and revisions to screening guidelines to ensure early detection and intervention. Recent recommendations to lower the age for colorectal cancer screening reflect a step in the right direction, but more must be done to address the multifaceted nature of early-onset cancer.

In conclusion, the rise in early-onset cancer cases serves as a sobering reminder of the complexities of this disease and the importance of proactive measures to combat it. By working together to understand the underlying causes, improve detection and diagnosis, and support affected individuals, we can strive towards a future where cancer is no longer a threat to individuals of any age.

Can Pulsed EMF Cure Pain and Disease?

Can Pulsed EMF Cure Pain and Disease?

Over the last decade, research into Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has yielded promising results across various health conditions. Here’s a brief summary of key studies and findings:

Bone Healing and Fractures: Studies have consistently shown PEMF’s effectiveness in enhancing bone healing and treating fractures. In fact, non-union bone fractures (where the ends of the bone fracture fail to fully connect during normal healing) was the first condition that was shown to benefit from magnetic fields.

A notable study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research (2020) highlighted the acceleration of bone fracture healing with PEMF therapy. This is attributed to PEMF’s ability to stimulate osteoblast activity, essential for bone regeneration.  Osteoblasts are the active cells in bone tissue that lay down new bone for maintenance and repair.  Given this discovery of PEMF’s effect on stimulating bone-creating cells to work more, it may have similar effects on chondrocytes— the cells that synthesize cartilage, the soft, rigid yet pliable shock-absorbing tissue that lines the ends of the bones that form a joint.   This may be a promising treatment intervention to regenerate damaged cartilage from injury and perhaps even from long term wear and tear; i.e. osteoarthritis.

Chronic Pain Management: PEMF has been found effective in managing chronic pain, including lower back pain and osteoarthritis. Research published in Pain Research and Management (2019) showed significant pain reduction in participants with chronic conditions. This effect is thought to be due to PEMF’s influence on reducing inflammation and enhancing endorphin production.

Tendon Healing: Research, including in vitro studies, indicates PEMF’s potential in promoting tendon healing. A controlled laboratory study evaluated the effects of PEMF on tenocyte cultures, demonstrating accelerated closure of ‘wounds’ in these cells, which are crucial for tendon repair.  Tendons, like ligaments, have very few active cells and are mostly collagen and elastin protein fibers embedded in a matrix.  They have no direct blood supply and therefore have poor injury healing capacity; hence the “season-ending” injuries that occur in sports, from an ankle or knee sprain, for instance.

fibroblast cell secreting collagen

Animation of a fibroblast synthesizing and laying down collagen fibers.

However, there are cells called fibroblasts and some chondrocytes that can repair mild to moderate ligament/tendon injuries, commonly referred to as sprains and strains.  The material they synthesize to close the tear is referred to as scar tissue (if you’ve ever sustained a rough skin laceration and have it heal, it’s that raised, firm tissue where the cut used to be).  But it is usually a long process to heal a tendon and ligament, due to the scarcity of these fibroblasts.   Pulsed EMF stimulates fibroblastic activity, causing them to work faster and therefore reducing the healing time.

Neurological Disorders: Some studies have explored PEMF’s effects on neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis and depression. The results, though preliminary, suggest that PEMF can help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life in some patients, potentially by modulating neural activity and inflammation.  Remember, nerves are made of neurons, which are highly specialized cells that depend on proper membrane function moreso that other types of cells because quality of nerve transmission depends on normal membrane function.  PEMF has been shown to improve membrane potential in cells by providing an external magnetic field that essentially polarizes the membrane (strengthens the + and – charges on opposite sides of the membrane).  This results in improved transfer of molecules into and out of the cell.

wound healing

Wound Healing: PEMF therapy has been shown to enhance wound healing, especially in diabetic ulcers and other chronic wounds. This is likely due to its ability to reduce inflammation, improve cell membrane function,  improve circulation and promote tissue regeneration.  Recall from high school science that electrical currents form when charged particles move through a conductor.  The charged particles in your body are the various molecules and ions that travel during the course of maintaining your life functions.  The conductor is the fluid environment of the body.  Magnetic fields form 90 degrees to the movement of the charge particles and can affect their movements (think of a magnet attracting a metal ball bearing).  PEMF therefore can affect movement of molecules into (oxygen, nutrients) and out of (waste products; proteins) the cells, improving their efficiency.  When cell efficiency is improved, healing improves, then symptoms.

Cardiovascular Health: Limited research suggests that PEMF therapy might benefit cardiovascular health by improving endothelial (inner lining of blood vessels) function and reducing inflammation, although more extensive studies are needed.  But given the observations of Pulsed EMF’s therapeutic effects on cells involved in bone, tendon, nerve and skin repair, it is likely that it has similar effects on the heart and blood vessels.

endothelium showing clot formationThe endothelium is the site where cardiovascular disease begins.  If it gets damaged somehow, whether from wear and tear, weakening, or caustic molecules circulating in the blood, certain things happen that don’t normally occur in the healing of other types of tissue injury since there is a constant supply of blood coursing over the injury (remember, it’s the inside lining of the blood vessel).  Fatty molecules get stuck in the injury site; the inflammatory cascade forms a clot over the wound which may block blood flow to an organ (i.e. heart attack, stroke), and macrophages– the cells that clean up debris– are attracted to the things happening at the wound, and they themselves bunch up and add to the clot.  Pulsed EMF can be applied to the cardiovascular system and can potentially restore endothelial tissues that are compromised.

These studies highlight PEMF’s potential as a non-invasive and safe therapy for various health conditions. However, it’s important to note that while the results are encouraging, PEMF therapy should be considered a complementary treatment and used in conjunction with conventional medical treatments. Always consult healthcare professionals before starting any new treatment regimen.  Nevertheless, its safety record (no noted adverse side effects) and easy operation makes pulsed EMF an ideal home care therapy.

woman lying on mat getting pulsed emf treatment

If you battle a chronic injury or health condition and you’ve completed one or more treatment cycles with your doctor or therapist, but have lingering symptoms, look into Pulsed EMF — it’s got a long history and an abundance of medical research behind it.  Best of all, it’s safe to use.   Its popularity is growing, and you are likely to find a clinic in your town that offers pulsed EMF.  You can also invest in your own home PEMF machine.  There are several models and technologies available, differing in field strength and field pulse mode.

What is Stiff Person Syndrome?

What is Stiff Person Syndrome?

The singer Celine Dion, whose glorious singing career spanned the last four decades, was recently diagnosed with a condition called Stiff Person Syndrome.  Unfortunately, the condition is prevening her from performing, due to its debilitating effect on muscle control, including the vocal cord muscles.

Stiff Person Syndrome (SPS) is a rare, progressive neurological disorder characterized by significant muscle rigidity and spasms, often leading to debilitating physical and psychological symptoms. This article provides an overview of SPS, delving into its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and current treatment options, as informed by medical research and trusted medical resources.

What is Stiff Person Syndrome?

SPS is an autoimmune neurological disorder primarily causing muscle stiffness and painful spasms. These spasms can worsen over time and vary in symptoms, including an unsteady gait, double vision, or slurred speech, depending on the SPS type. The condition can be severely disabling, often leading to hunched over postures and frequent falls due to impaired reflexes​​​​.

Causes of Stiff Person Syndrome

While the exact cause of SPS is unknown, it is believed to be an autoimmune reaction where the immune system attacks glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) in the brain and spinal cord. GAD is crucial for producing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter controlling muscle movement.  Neurotransmitters are protein molecules released from the ends of neurons, which then attach to other neurons causing them to continue the nerve impulse until it reaches the muscle.  Disruption in GABA production can lead to continuous neuron firing, contributing to muscle rigidity and spasms seen in SPS. Low GABA levels are also associated with anxiety and depression. Interestingly, SPS often occurs alongside other autoimmune diseases like type-I diabetes, thyroiditis, vitiligo, and pernicious anemia​​​​.

Symptoms of Stiff Person Syndrome

The primary symptoms of SPS include progressive muscle rigidity and painful spasms, often triggered by stimuli such as noise, touch, and emotional distress. Initial symptoms typically manifest between the ages of 30 and 60 and can vary in severity and progression. Common initial signs include muscle stiffness and pain, especially in the lower back and legs, potentially leading to difficulty in walking and performing daily activities. Severe cases may require wheelchair use, and there’s an increased risk of anxiety and depression​​​​.

Diagnosis of Stiff Person Syndrome

Diagnosing SPS is challenging due to its rarity and symptom overlap with other conditions like Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia. A definitive diagnosis is often made via a blood test measuring GAD antibodies. Most people with SPS show elevated GAD antibody levels. Electromyography (EMG) tests can also be employed to measure muscle electrical activity and assist in diagnosis and monitoring treatment response​​​​.

Treatment Options for Stiff Person Syndrome

While there is no cure for SPS, symptoms can be managed through personalized treatment plans focusing on pain management, muscle relaxation, and immune response suppression. Common medications include pain relievers, muscle relaxants, anti-seizure and anti-anxiety drugs, sedatives, and steroids. Non-medication treatments like physical therapy, heat therapy, red light therapy, and pulsed EMF are also beneficial. In cases where medications are ineffective, treatments like Botox, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg), and stem cell therapy have shown promise in symptom improvement​​​​.

Additionally, a narrative review of available medication treatments for SPS suggests starting with benzodiazepines as a first-line treatment, adding medications like levetiracetam or pregabalin if symptoms persist. For second-line therapy, oral baclofen is preferred over rituximab and tacrolimus. In cases of refractory symptoms, treatments like intrathecal baclofen, IVIG, or plasmapheresis can be effective, with intrathecal baclofen and IVIG being more effective than plasmapheresis​​.


Stiff Person Syndrome presents a complex clinical challenge due to its rarity, varied symptomatology, and the intricate interplay of autoimmune responses. Understanding its underlying causes, symptom patterns, and current treatment modalities is crucial for effective management. Ongoing research continues to shed light on this condition, offering hope for more effective treatments in the future. For individuals diagnosed with SPS, a collaborative approach involving neurologists, rheumatologists, and physical therapists, alongside personalized treatment strategies, is key to managing this condition and improving quality of life.

And lastly, when your body is struggling with disease, give it assistance by providing it with nutrients, water, sunlight and mild exercise when possible.  Mind-body approaches including meditation, flotation therapy, biofeedback, yoga, tai-chi, deep breathing and so on, may provide some relief as well.


Johns Hopkins Online


National Institute of Neuromuscular Disorders and Stroke


American Brain Foundation


Tips for Protecting Your Mental Health During Bad Times

Tips for Protecting Your Mental Health During Bad Times

We’re living in a world where news never takes a break, and thanks to that ubiquitous smart phone, is a second away from our attention.   Unfortunately, negative news gets a lot more attention than positive news; not to mention peoples’ own personal struggles.   Just as the pandemic was starting to end, war breaks out in Ukraine and now Israel and Gaza. This barrage of negative, unhealthy emotions on the psyche can affect anyone’s mental health, in different ways, in different people.

An unwell mind can breed dysfunction in the body, thanks to the mind-body connection.  It can lead to ulcers, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, depression and so on.  It is well known that negative mental states are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

So if life starts to overwhelm you, take action.  Do not let it brew; nip it in the bud.  And, engage in practices that make you resilient to anxiety and depression.  Here are some suggestions:

15 Habits and Practices to Nurture Mental Health and Wellness

1. Stay Informed but Limit Media Exposure: While it’s important to stay informed about the crisis, excessive exposure to news can increase stress and anxiety. Set specific times to check for updates and avoid constant news consumption.

2. Maintain Routine: Try to establish a daily routine to provide a sense of normalcy and stability. This includes regular sleep, meals, and exercise.

3. Stay Connected: Social support is vital during crises. Stay in touch with friends and family through calls, video chats, or social media. Share your feelings and concerns with trusted individuals. Talking about it with others is like releasing toxic pressure.  Give it a try.

4. Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce stress and anxiety. These techniques can be practiced daily to promote relaxation.

5. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity releases endorphins, which can boost your mood and reduce stress. Even a short walk or home workout can be beneficial. Here’s an example of one that doesn’t require much prep: 25 squats, 50 jumping jacks, and 25 pushups. Just doing that will get your heart rate up, more oxygen to your brain, and even a shot of endorphins.

6. Eat a Balanced Diet: Stress can drive one to reach for junk food and sweets. This can make your stress worse, as you’re not getting essential vitamins and minerals. Proper nutrition has a significant impact on your mental health. Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, good fats and whole grains. Try a whey or pea protein shake, too. But, a chocolate chip cookie once in a while is fine, as well as occasional comfort food that doesn’t necessarily quality as “balanced.”  Just do in moderation.  The “feel good” emotions are worth the calorie hit; just don’t overdo it because you’ll get diminishing returns.

7. Limit Alcohol and Substance Use: Avoid excessive alcohol or drug use, as they can worsen mental health issues. Instead, seek healthier coping mechanisms such as nature walks, hobbies like learning a musical instrument, cooking and gardening.

8. Set Realistic Goals: Break down tasks into smaller, manageable steps. Setting achievable goals can give you a sense of accomplishment and control.

9. Seek Professional Help: If you’re struggling to cope with a crisis, don’t hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional. Many therapists offer remote sessions, making it easier to access support.  If you feel your situation is at a crisis-level, the Crisis Text Line is a free service staffed by crisis volunteers.

10. Volunteer or Help Others: Helping others during a crisis can provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It can also strengthen your own resilience. There are opportunities for volunteering in just about every town; check with your city hall.   Helping others is a nice way to tap into present time consciousness in a world that has many distractions; most of them insignificant.

11. Limit Exposure to Stressors: If possible, try to reduce exposure to stressors that you can control. This might involve temporarily distancing yourself from toxic relationships, social media or other places that cause you to generate negative emotions.

12. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that it’s okay to have moments of difficulty. Avoid self-criticism and negative self-talk.

13. Maintain a Journal: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a therapeutic way to process emotions and gain perspective on your situation.  Check out this short video by Dr. Benjamin Hardy, an expert on personal growth, where he addresses the mental health benefits of keeping a journal.

14. Stay Creative: Engaging in creative activities like art, writing, or music can be a constructive way to express emotions and distract from stress.

15. Focus on Positivity: Try to find moments of gratitude and positivity each day. This can help shift your perspective and improve your overall outlook.

How Pulsed EMF can benefit Mental Health

Practicing these fifteen habits can help most people keep anxiety and depression at bay indefinitely.  For those who feel they need more, you may want to ask your health professional about getting pulsed electromagnetic transcranial therapy (Pulsed EMF for the brain).  Studies show that pulsed EMF can be helpful in treating anxiety and depresson, as well as insomnia and mental fogginess.

Many people are having success self-treating with pulsed EMF, as the products are so safe they can be purchased directly by consumers.   You can find examples of pulsed EMF device here. The Diamag is the upper end machine that is specially designed for the head/ brain.

Remember that everyone’s response to crises is unique. If you can’t get support from people you know, there’s no shame in seeking professional help. Your mental health is important, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

What is the Best Home Air Filter?

What is the Best Home Air Filter?

The air you breathe every day greatly influences your current and future health. In an ideal world, you would only breathe in pure air; however, that’s not the case.  The air outside and in our homes are full of various kinds of coarse and fine particulate matter.  Fine particulate matter (particles 2.5 microns and smaller) can make it all the way to the alveoli– the microscopic structure where blood gases are exchanged, and some can even jump into your bloodstream and get carried to all your organs, where they accumulate to dangerous levels.

Unfortunately, particulate pollution is not going to go away. Industry, construction and manufacturing will continue to pour billions of pounds of it into our air every day. Cars and commercial jets put out soot and fuel mist that can make it into our homes. In fact, a shocking study found that perchlorate, a toxic component of rocket fuel, was
contaminating virtually all samples of women’s breast milk and its levels were found to be, on average, five times greater than in cow’s milk.

Wildfires all over the planet produce fine soot, which can cross entire oceans and reach populated areas. Droughts produce fine clay dust particles, some containing lead, that travel with the wind from places far from your home.

Because of this constant onslaught of pollution, it is wise to invest in an air purifier. Place one in your bedroom, living room, automobile, and place of work– the places where you spend the most time. You’re not going to be able to escape all of it, but if you can cut your pollutant ingestion down 80%, it’s going to benefit your health significantly. For those who live in a high risk area like downwind of an industrial zone or construction site, the change will be even more dramatic.

There are currently eight main technologies of consumer air purification technology; some that have been around for over 25 years and some relatively newer.  Let’s break down the most common types of air purifiers and their key features:

  1. Mechanical Filters (HEPA filters)
  • How they work: These use a dense web of fibers to trap particles as air flows through.
  • Key features:
    • Can capture particles as small as 0.3 microns (like pollen, dust, and some mold spores).
    • Need regular replacement.
    • Can be combined with other types of filters/technologies for comprehensive air purification.
  • Pros: Effective at capturing large to small particles, especially true HEPA filters.
  • Cons: Doesn’t neutralize odors, chemicals, or gases; filters need replacement.
  1. Activated Carbon Filters
  • How they work: Made from porous charcoal, these filters absorb gases and odors.
  • Key features:
    • Effective for odors and smoke.
    • Often combined with other filter types (like HEPA) for broader effectiveness.
  • Pros: Great for removing odors, smoke, and some gases.
  • Cons: Doesn’t trap particulate matter; needs periodic replacement.
  1. Ionic Purifiers (or Ionizers)
  • How they work: Emit negative ions that bond with positive ions (like dust, pollen) to form larger particles, which settle and are removed from the air.
  • Key features:
    • Some models collect ionized particles on plates, while others let them settle on surfaces.
  • Pros: Quiet operation, can remove very small particles from the air.
  • Cons: May produce ozone, which can irritate the lungs and is harmful to the environment; settled particles need to be cleaned.
  1. Ozone Generators
  • How they work: Intentionally produce ozone to “purify” the air.
  • Key features:
    • Claimed to deodorize, disinfect, and kill/remove contaminants.
  • Pros: Can neutralize certain odors and contaminants.
  • Cons: Ozone is harmful to human health and can exacerbate respiratory issues; not recommended for general air purification.
  1. Ultraviolet (UV) Light Purifier
  • How they work: Use ultraviolet light to kill germs, bacteria, and viruses.
  • Key features:
    • Often used in combination with other filter types.
  • Pros: Effective at killing microorganisms.
  • Cons: Only targets microorganisms; effectiveness depends on exposure time.
  1. Photocatalytic Oxidation (PCO)
  • How they work: Uses a UV light along with a catalyst (usually titanium dioxide) to break down gases into harmless substances.
  • Key features:
    • Targets VOCs (volatile organic compounds), bacteria, and viruses.
  • Pros: Can neutralize harmful gases and microorganisms.
  • Cons: Limited in effectiveness against larger particulate matter; some units might produce small amounts of ozone.
  1. Electronic Air Cleaners
  • How they work: Use electrostatic attraction to trap charged particles.
  • Key features:
    • Can be filterless or use filters.
  • Pros: Effective at capturing various particle sizes.
  • Cons: Some models may produce ozone.
  1. TPA (Tesla Plasma Array) Technology:
  • How it works: Uses an electric field to capture particles, much like an ionic purifier but without producing ozone.
  • Pros:
    • Typically filterless or has washable filters, leading to lower maintenance costs.
    • Can effectively capture very small particles.
    • Quiet operation as it doesn’t require powerful fans.
  • Cons:
    • The electric plates require regular cleaning.
    • May not be as effective against certain gases or odors compared to activated carbon filters.

Be aware that medium to high end air purifiers typically combine several of these technologies, such as the AirDog line of air purification systems.

When comparing specific models or technologies, read the product description and get a sense of what the product is designed to address, such as allergies, asthma, smoke, pets, or chemical sensitivities, and operational features.  Some people might prioritize filter replacement costs, while others might look for the most effective particle removal.

Also, pay attention to the room size recommendations, maintenance requirements, and any certifications (like from the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers, AHAM, or California Air Resources Board, CARB) that validate the purifier’s effectiveness and safety.

Lastly, a final consideration:  when it comes to spending on your and your loved ones’ health, it is wise to view purchases not as an expense, but as an investment; especially if it can provide your body the purest air possible.  While there are relatively cheap HEPA air purifiers, there are also higher-end air purifiers that offer multiple-stage filtration to extract even the smallest fine particulate matter and harmful gases.   Like a home mortgage, this expense is amortized over your remaining life.  The more you use it over time, the cheaper its daily cost is.


Disclaimer:  Some links used on this site are affiliate links to products that are mentioned in the article.  If you purchase the product from the link, it may result in a small commission to our company.  This covers the costs of researching and producing free content.  Rest assured that all products mentioned on this site and YouTube channel have been carefully researched for quality, safety and efficacy.

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