Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Treatment

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or DOMS is a condition where your muscles feel pain a day or two after hard or unfamiliar exercise.   DOMS is thought to more likely be worse with exercises that emphasize eccentric muscle contraction, where the muscle lengthens as it contracts.  Examples of eccentric contraction include negative weight lifting (like lowering a curling bar slowly, squatting, and lunges).  It is believed to be the result of microscopic tears of muscle and fascia fibers and consequential inflammation.   Pain from micro injury is generated by inflammatory biochemicals interacting with nociceptors (nerves that transmit pain signals).  In DOMS, the injuries are so small that it takes 12-24 hours before the inflammatory response is enough to generate pain and stiffness.

The muscle pain from DOMS is different in nature than a typical muscle sprain/strain injury.  It generally is more widespread, depending on the muscle groups that were worked out the most.  Contracting the affected muscles will increase symptoms.   For affected muscles that cross a joint such as the knee and shoulder, stiffness reduces joint range of motion.

DOMS, while it can be quite uncomfortable, usually self-resolves in about 7-10 days, with rest and a break from physical exertion.  But for some people, that is too long.

So, what can one do to prevent and treat delayed onset muscle syndrome?

(1) Take it easy, tiger.  If you do not exercise frequently and decide one day to make up for all the months you slacked off by going “all out” you are setting yourself up for pain, stiffness, and movement limitations.   If you haven’t been exercising for months, your muscles won’t be  acclimated to taking loads and repetitions and will likely incur microtears in the fascia, tendons, and muscle fibers.  So, use the 10% rule, which basically is a scaling up of exercise over a week or two depending on how often you go, to re-acclimate your muscles to your normal, maxed workout.   Let’s say you usually curl 40 pound dumbbells.  Start day one with 5 pounds, day two with 10 pounds, day three with 15 pounds, until you get up to your max.

(2) Seek out a professional.  A personal trainer  can show you the right exercises to do for your goals, and the proper technique to get the most out of it, without injuring yourself.

(3) Warm up.  Do about 15 minutes of cardio before you do strength or functional training like Boot Camp and similar, full body exercises.  Jumping jacks, jump rope, treadmill with incline are good choices.

(4) Do some light stretching.  Although recent studies showed that stretching before exercising did not significantly reduce injuries, stretching feels good and can put you in tune with your body.

(5) Hydrate 30 minutes before your workout, competition, or task that will involve heavy lifting (like helping a friend move out of his house).   Most sports drinks are formulated to provide the major electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium) that muscle use to contract.

(6) Know your limitations.    As you age, you lose muscle mass; and therefore strength.   Adapt your workout routine accordingly:  lighter weights, exercises that are easier on the joints; more rests in between sets.

Now, if you still get DOMS, congratulations, you weren’t cheating; way to go for it!  But seriously… here are things you can do to minimize it:

(1) Get a Swedish style or lymphatic drainage massage (NOT a deep tissue or acupressure massage) from an experienced, skilled massage therapist.  The long, light pressure strokes towards the heart will increase lymph circulation and help your body clear out the inflammatory products.  If you can find a place in your town that does endermologie (cellulite treatment), that is even better.  Endermologie is a type of negative pressure massage done with a special machine that can increase skin circulation by over 300%, for up to six hours.

(2) Rest, ice, compress, elevate (RICE).  If your whole body is affected, try a cold water bath for 20 minutes.  Epsom salts added to the water, and eucalyptus can be helpful.

(3) Do some light exercise– walking, stretching, yoga.

(4) Take fish oil supplements.  This may reduce the inflammation somewhat.

(5) Get some protein in you:  whey protein drinks, eggs, fish.  This gives the body the amino acids it needs to rebuild torn muscle.

(6)  Rest.   Try to get at least an hour more sleep per day while you are recovering.

And of course, no smoking or over indulging in alcohol during DOMs.  When you are ready to start up exercising again, work up to max gradually over a week.


Risk Factors for Disc Bulges and Degenerative Disc Disease

I’ve been fielding a lot of questions about bulging discs lately.  Here are some of the questions I get:

The short answer to the first question is “yes” if the bulge is not severe and the body still has in place the mechanisms to keep the disc living and healthy (see below).

The other answer to the first question is “no” if the disc bulge is the result of  breakdown of the nutrient-delivery mechanism to the disc.  If this is the case, it is a matter of time before the disc totally degenerates.  Physical therapy, chiropractic, spinal decompression and exercises can slow it down, but one cannot do these things indefinitely and often enough to stop the progression.

It’s important to know that your spinal discs are mostly avascular; meaning, don’t have a direct blood supply.  Discs get their nutrients (water, oxygen, glucose, minerals, vitamins) via slow absorption from the capillaries directly underneath the vertebral end plates.  At the end of the day, your discs flatten from the effects of gravity.  As you sleep, they soak up fluids and expand, so that by the time you wake up in the morning you are at least 5 mm taller than when you first went to bed.  This is called  the diurnal cycle of fluid movement in and out of the disc and is the major means of nutrient delivery.

At the center of the disc is the nucleus, which has tiny cells that make the proteoglycan molecules responsible for attracting and holding onto water.  This maintains a hydrostatic pressure that allows the disc to bear about 80% of the weight applied to its spinal level.  These cells, similar to chondrocytes that make collagen in the joints, are the most active when the pressure in the disc is about 3 atmospheres.   If the pressure is higher (obese individuals, those who carry heavy weight frequently at work) or lower, the cells make less of these molecules, putting the disc at greater risk of drying out.  Injuries to the internal part of the disc or vertebral bodies can increase the volume of the nucleus, drastically reducing its hydrostatic pressure and slowing down proteoglycan synthesis.  This is one of the pathways of degenerative disc disease, or DDD as the posterior (facet) joints, which are not designed for bearing much weight take on the responsibility of the disc and quickly wear down, forming the familiar osteophytes (bone spurs) seen on X-ray and MRI studies.

Here are the basic risk factors for developing DDD/ bulging discs:

1) History of Structural Damage to the Disc or Vertebra

Single event trauma to the spine resulting in damage to the vertebral end plates .  An example would  be  a parachuter landing hard on the ground on his feet.  This can cause a small injury, or even a significant compression fracture to the bony end plates– the surfaces to which the disc attaches.  This is bad news, because nutrients to the disc (blood, oxygen, glucose) traverse through these end plates from the top and bottom of the disc.  If it is damaged, the area calcifies and “shuts the gate,” depriving the disc of critical nutrients needed to stay healthy.  This sets the stage for a slow procession of degeneration over the years which will have phases of back pain, stiffness, disc bulging, stenosis, and in severe cases leg pain, leg weakness and altered sensation.

Repetitive, axial loads to the spine.  An axial force is one that travels straight down the spine, while standing.   If you are in a job that requires frequent heavy lifting, especially above the shoulders; or requires you to carry 50 or more pounds of gear most of the day, you are placing axial loads on your spine.  Similar to #1, it can slowly damage the vertebral end plates and damage the nutrient delivery system to the disc.

2) Hereditary Factors – there are respected studies that strongly suggest a genetic component to DDD.  One study showed that there is a 50% greater chance of developing severe disc degeneration in the relatives of past disc surgery patients.  Another study found mutations in the genes responsible for the synthesis of proteoglycan molecules, which are responsible for water retention in the disc.  If the disc cannot attract and hold onto water, it cannot maintain its hydrostatic pressure.  As a result, it loses its ability to distribute weight and slowly dessicates (dries out).

3) Occupation.  This is pretty obvious.  Those who work with heavy machinery or require heavy lifting are more prone to developing bulging discs.

4) Smoking.  Smoking damages the fine blood vessels that the disc depends on to deliver nutrients.  It also generates a lot of free radicals, which can damage the disc further.  Some surgeons require patients to be “smoke-free” for at least three months prior to surgery.

So, here are the lessons to take here.  First, if you have a parent who suffers from bulging discs and degeneration, realize that you have a 50% greater chance of developing them on your own.  You may have a mutant gene that is making defective collagen in your disc, making it a ticking time bomb ready to go off in the near future.  Your best bet is to minimize the expression of this gene, and a good way to do it is to eat as healthy as you can; ditch the toxins (smoking, excessive alcohol and sugar); avoid getting overweight, and  maintain positive thoughts (may affect gene expression to your benefit).

Secondly, avoid unnecessary axial forces to your spine.  Stay away from things that involve hard landings on your feet, and don’t lift weights in a way that places pressure to your lower back.

Whole Body Vibration for Back Pain

Whole body vibration, or WBV is popular in the fitness, health, and beauty industries.  It involves standing stationary or doing exercises on a motorized platform that vibrates at different frequencies and amplitudes  (basically, different speeds and intensities).

Research on the benefits of whole body vibration are mixed, but a significant number of studies point to definite benefits including increased muscle strength, increased blood circulation to the leg muscles and skin, increased bone density, reduced muscle atrophy following bed rest and in space, improved postural control in older individuals, and reduced chronic lower back pain.  However, at least one study warns of potential adverse health effects of “excessive” whole body vibration training.

The WBV machine consists of a platform, handle grips and control panel.  You do exercises like squats with both feet on the platform, or alternating lunges with the front foot placed on the platform while it vibrates at a set frequency.  Depending on the model, a WBV machine can vibrate in the z-axis (or straight up and down direction– most intense),  x and y axis (front to back, side to side), or teeter-totter (like a seesaw action).   Amplitude (height differential of the platform in one vibrational cycle) and frequency (number of cycles per second).

Two popular models are the durable, commercial-grade PowerFit VB588 Whole Body Vibration Machine and the less expensive but lower quality home use model, PowerFit PFM002.   If money is not an option, you can get the Power Plate – Pro5 – Model 565273 which is the brand that is found in exclusive fitness centers throughout the world.

There are generally three classifications of whole body vibration machines:  High Energy Lineal, found mostly in commercial vibration training studios and gyms. The vibration direction is lineal/upward eliciting a strong stretch-reflex contraction in muscle fibres targeted by the positions of training program. 2. Premium Speed Pivotal, (teeter-totter movement) used for physiotherapy work at lower speeds and exercise workouts at “premium” speed, up to 27 Hz. Both commercial and home units are available. 3. Medium Energy Lineal, the majority of lineal platforms produced. These are usually made of plastic; some have 3-D vibration which is low quality. They give slower and less consistent results. 4. Low Speed Pivotal units. These can give “therapy” benefits. Other machine types are low Energy/Low amplitude lineal and Low energy/High amplitude lineal with varying uses from osteoporosis prevention, therapy for improved blood circulation and flexibility and limited fitness training.   I am not certain if this classification system is used by the various manufacturers of WBV machines.

So, should you try whole body vibration if you have chronic back pain?  My advice is to check with your doctor first.  If you are cleared by your doctor, start conservatively– low amplitude, and only for a minute or two; standing only.  Take note of how you feel.  Most of the studies done thus far on these machines involved fairly extensive time periods, like 6-12 weeks of daily usage, so if you plan to use WBV to reduce back pain your body needs to be able to take it.  If you are able to work up to 5-10 minutes on the machine without feeling nauseous, more pain, dizzy or any other adverse symptom, do it for a week and re-evaluate.  If all is OK, try exercises like simple squats on the platform.  If you feel improvement in your lower back pain, then congratulations, your particular situation responds to whole body vibration.   However, there are no studies that I am aware of that track the long-term effects of WBV therapy on chronic lower  back pain.  So, a good rule of thumb is to do it daily for at least two weeks, symptoms permitting; and then do it less periodically for maintenance.  Obviously, at the first onset of any adverse reaction from using WBV, stop immediately and report it to your doctor.

Some of the possible ways whole  body vibration resistance exercises can help reduce back pain is by increasing blood flow to the muscles, exercising the muscles, and bombarding sensory input to the back muscles thereby breaking any “learned” abnormal neurological patterns to the muscles.

Even if you don’t have back pain, whole body vibration offers other proven health benefits like improved blood circulation, decreased muscle weakness from body inactivity, and improved postural balance.  It would therefore make a nice addition to your home exercise equipment.

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