How to Strengthen Your Joints and Avoid a Life of Chronic Pain

How to Strengthen Your Joints and Avoid a Life of Chronic Pain

When I talk about the nature of joint aches and pain such as hip pain, knee pain and shoulder pain, I explain that the human body is basically a biological (living) machine.  Like a machine, it has moving parts comprised of levers connected by some kind of mechanism that redirects force.  Think car engines, certain power tools and watches.

In the human musculoskeletal system, those levers are the long bones such as the femur and ulna, and the connecting mechanism/ force redirectors are the joints.  Like a machine’s mechanical components, joints will gradually wear out with use.  The more hours/years of use, the more likelihood of breakdown.  Think football players and those in heavy labor jobs.

When a moving part of a machine gets prematurely damaged from an accident like dropping or overloading, it gets repaired—a replacement part is installed and/or a mechanic puts things back together and makes necessary adjustments.  However, the machine is never the same.   The accident typically causes moving components to misalign ever so slightly, which results in more friction and accelerated wear and tear, leading to impaired efficiency and eventual breakdown again.

Similarly, if you twist and injure your knee, hip or other joint and get it repaired surgically, or by a chiropractor or physical therapy/ rehabilitation it is never quite the same—most people will lose some degree of functionality because the natural alignment has been permanently altered.  You may lose a few degrees of arc of motion; hear some clicking sounds with movement (called crepitus), and lose some strength in the affected joint.  Worst case, you will experience chronic pain.

Your joint health obviously plays a huge role in your quality of life.  The good things in life involve movement, which depends on joint function.  Your joints must be able to first of all exist without pain.  They must be able to move your body in the manner you wish to move, without mechanical limitations.  And, they must be able to withstand forces while they move your body parts– jumping, climbing, lifting, carrying, etc.  That’s the best case scenario.

But what if you are one of the millions of people who have some form of joint pain; either from wear and tear, or from an accident such as a sports injury, work injury, fall, or car accident?  These things happen to almost everyone at some point.

It depends first of all on how bad it is.  How much structural damage occurred will determine the extent to which your joint can be rehabilitated/ returned to normal.

Unfortunately, the tissues that comprise joints are of the type that do not regenerate very well.  This includes tendons, ligaments, cartilage and muscle.  As I wrote before, tendons, ligaments and cartilage are classified as connective tissue, which does not contain many living cells, per unit mass.  They are mostly protein filaments (collagen, elastin) embedded in a special matrix whose main function is structural.  The few cells found in connective tissue are mostly dormant (chondrocytes, fibrocytes) and can effect minor repairs and maintenance:  tiny tears of collagen can be repaired, but large tears cannot.  Tears/injury to cartilage, such as a meniscal tear or rotator cuff tear, are either repaired by surgical reattachment, or left alone to become chronic leaving the individual with a certain percent loss of function.

Compare this to skin tissue, classified as epithelial tissue, which can heal relatively fast due to the high density of cells (they divide in number to create new tissue) and blood supply.  Think of the last time you got a cut– how relatively fast it healed, and is no longer noticeable.

So if you are fortunate to not have joint pain, think proactively now to keep it that way.

If you are experiencing any level of joint pain and/or dysfunction, learn things that you can do to reclaim some of that function AND slow down the progression, which is what I can help you with.  Even chronic cases of joint pain can be improved, so don’t give up hope.  You may not be able to make the pain go away entirely, but if you can reduce the severity of your pain by 50% and/or increase range of motion by a couple of degrees, that can translate into a dramatic improvement in your quality of life.

The Two Main Approaches to Maintaining Joint Health

Let’s review the main joints involved in everyday movement patterns.

First of all, the weight bearing joints of the lower extremities:  hips, knees, ankles, foot joints.  We can also include the lumbar spine (low back).  These joints have the dual task of bearing the body’s weight (and more than your weight if you do high impact activities) while allowing ambulation—running, walking, climbing, etc. and are therefore larger in terms of surface area contact and number of ligaments.

Secondly, the non-weight bearing joints of the upper extremities:  shoulder complex, elbows, wrists, and hands.  While they don’t bear as much weight as the hips, knees, ankles and feet, these joints are involved in anything you do with your arms/ hands.  They are smaller and generally have more moving parts, so these joints are vulnerable to degeneration as well, especially the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder.

The first course of action in preventing joint degeneration, which tends to start in most people around age of 40, is through diet and nutrition.  Eat a wholesome diet rich in phytonutrients; i.e. plants.  Phytonutrients are vitamins and minerals naturally found in plants that are important co-factors in numerous biological functions, such as enzymatic activity, tissue repair and anti-inflammation.  Some like turmeric are strong anti-oxidants.  Think of oxidation, or oxidative stress, as the body’s version of rust.  Oxidation is what causes rust and decay in metals; oxidation in the human body damages cell membranes, proteins and DNA.  It is caused by excess free radicals— oxygen-containing molecules that have an unpaired electron, making them highly reactive.  They take electrons from tissues in order to return to a stable state, which damages them.  In fact, oxidative stress is a leading theory of aging and joint wear and tear.  Eating a diet rich in phytonutrients—green, leafy plants and plants with hues of blue, purple, and orange equips your body with the nutrients it needs to counteract oxidative stress.  Thus, think of a plant-based diet as being protective of your joints.

On the contrary, eating a diet rich in processed foods and added sugar can place a burden on your body.  Not only is there a lack of nutrients, there are ingredients that can raise your triglycerides and bad cholesterol; form plaque in your arteries, and even cause toxicity.  They must also put a strain on your liver, lymph system and kidneys, the organs involved in detoxifying your body.

Next, move those joints!  You’ve got to find the right balance between helpful movement that exercises and strengthens your joints, and the ones that can cause damage.  I’m not saying to avoid things like weight lifting and running, because when done properly, they benefit your joints.

Basically, repetitive jumping activities and wrong running technique that “pounds” your knees, hips, feet and spine joints have the potential to cause tiny cracks in your cartilage, which can expand into pits and eventually tears.  An example of the movement you should avoid is playing basketball often, where you run on a hard court and jump and land hard to do layups numerous times; often landing on one leg first.

Running is a great aerobic exercise, and I do it myself, being in my mid-50s.  But do it wrong, and you are setting yourself up for hip, knee and foot pain.  With running, first of all, I highly advise running no more than 20 miles a week.  You don’t need that much cardio from running, and running beyond this point every week turns the tables, as the cardio benefit is at the expense of your hip, knee and feet joints.  Long distance running is especially not advisable, as it can generate excessive free radicals, causing oxidative damage to your body. Repetitive pounding especially if you are over the age of 40 when cartilage loses its thickness and pliability can cause micro-tears which can expand as you keep doing it, like a tiny, 2mm crack in a car windshield that gradually grows into a really big crack with every bump in the road.

Also with running, definitely do not use a jumping type movement.  Think more in terms of really fast walking.  Keep your feet close to the ground as you run, and land on the forward half of your foot (toes, ball and arch) rather than your heel.  Your head should not bob up and down as you run; or it should be minimal.

Do closed kinetic chain exercises.  This means the levers involved in movement (i.e. for lower extrmities, your lower leg and foot) are secured to the ground during force generation.  A perfect example are squats and lunges.  With this type of exercise, you have more control, and you isolate the muscle better because your leg is secured to the ground with your weight.

For upper extremities, an example is planks and push ups.  Chin ups as well — same concept, the levers are firmly secured as you exercise the muscles and joints in a controlled fashion.

Remember, joints are comprised of two bones connected by ligaments.  A tendon (the ends of a skeletal muscle) crosses over the joint and connects somewhere on both bones (origin and insertion points).  So when you do squats, you are strengthening the ligaments and tendons of the joint, giving it more support.  With more support, the joint is more stable and able to withstand forces better; i.e. it will last longer.  How does it happen?  Wolf’s Law of physiology states that connective tissue increases in mass in response to repeated loads.  It’s one of the body’s many survival and environmental adaptation mechanisms.  The mechanical stress signals to the brain to mobilize cells to secrete more matrix and collagen to handle the load.  This is why resistance exercises are highly recommended for women who are at risk for osteoporosis—it builds up bone mass and turns down bone loss.

Conversely, being sedentary leads to muscle, bone, and connective tissue atrophy.  Weak joint components will increase your risk of injury.

But again, be careful not to overdo it.  Do the movements slowly and controlled, and focus your mind on controlling the primary mover muscles rather than your rep goal.  This will maximize joint strengthening and minimize injury.

Summary of Main Points

  1. Proper joint function is necessary for everyday movements, and therefore is critical to quality of life.
  2. Joints are prone to injury and degradation due to their daily use.
  3. It is advisable to be proactive to ensure your joints stay healthy throughout your life because joint components are comprised of tissues that do not regenerate well.  One major injury can mean lifetime dysfunction.
  4. The recommended approaches to maintaining joint health are a plant-based diet rich in phytonutrients, and closed kinetic chain exercises to strengthen your joints so that they are more durable and resistant to injury and degeneration.

Next time, I will discuss more ways to keep your joints healthy, and if you already have chronic joint issues, things you can do to reclaim function.

The 30 Day Pain Relief Challenge Kick Off

The 30 Day Pain Relief Challenge Kick Off

It’s 2021 and time to kick off the 30 Day Pain Relief Challenge!

But first I want to acknowledge what’s on everyone’s mind.

2020 began with an unexpected crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic.  A new corona virus strain emerged; highly contagious and deadly for certain individuals, and for which there was no vaccine.  As of this writing, over 85 million people worldwide have contracted the virus, with 1.85 million dying from it.  The United States is being hit the hardest, with 20.8 million cases and 352,000 dead.   The numbers are expected to spike following the holiday season, thanks to many people choosing to get together in large groups and ignoring the risk.  So please, remain extra vigilant the next two weeks because chances are, there are more viruses around you than there were a month ago, ready to find a new host.

As we navigate through COVID-19 in 2021, life must still go on.  I know many have been hurt economically, and their number-one priority is to find a way to get back on their feet.  It is not an easy thing to do, especially if you lost your job and the life skills you possess are in an industry that has been permanently impacted by the pandemic.  If this describes your situation, I sincerely hope you find a way to re-position or re-invent yourself, to get back to earning a living. 

While COVID-19 dominates the news and peoples’ attention, we must not lose focus on the many other challenges life presents that also need our attention.  How would you rate your health at the start of the new year?  How about your energy levels and endurance?   

Quarantining and social distancing have a way of discouraging exercising and promoting over-eating, a terrible combination to health.   When one is restricted from going outside and going to a gym (although a gym is not necessary for staying fit, but I digress…) and constantly bombarded by news of doom and gloom, the tendency is to stay home, surf the web, and eat, more than you typically do (what else is there to do in such a scenario?).  And for many, the choice is high-calorie comfort food.  This can lead to unwanted weight gain, muscle atrophy, joint pain, and so on.

If you are not feeling 100%, then I encourage you to open all the emails I’ll be sending over the next 30 days—the 30 Day Pain Relief Challenge is about to kick off, and email is how it will be executed. 

And what exactly is the challenge?  It’s about challenging yourself to get out of your comfort zone and do all the things I will suggest in the coming days so that you can get out of pain, or significantly knock it down to levels you haven’t experienced in a long time. 

The other reward may be that you will lose 10 pounds or more; will have more energy, and will notice that your mind/ thinking is clearer.  This is because the methods I’ll go over target your body and all its systems; not just the area of pain.  It is wholistic.

But first let me explain how you will be measuring your results.   After all, pain is subjective.  You need some kind of tool to quantify your improvement, so read on.

Pain, aches, discomfort or whatever you want to call it affects your health.  There is mental health and physical health; both important to happiness in different ways.  Your physical and mental health are impacted, even just a little and perhaps unnoticeable to you, if you have chronic pain/aches/discomfort.  Less-than-optimal physical and mental health impacts quality of life.  Quality of life in this sense refers to your ability to physically do what you need or want to do; whether it be your job; recreational activity such as playing golf or swimming; or activities of daily living; i.e. taking care of yourself and your personal needs.

Why You Might Have a Disability if You Have Pain

If you live with chronic pain, you likely have some degree of disability.  

“Me disabled?” you might be thinking.  “No way!”

The word “disability” is often misconstrued.   Disability doesn’t necessarily mean “disabled” and in a wheel chair.  It simply means not being able to perform a certain task without some degree of difficulty or impediment; or not being able to do it at all.  

Doctors (medical examiners) who issue disability certificates or write medical-legal reports are tasked to determine the degree to which someone is disabled.  Their findings determine the patient’s disability compensation from the insurance company or government agency.  They use observation, physical exam procedures, diagnostic tests like X-rays and nerve conduction; and instruments to measure strength, pain perception, reflexes, coordination, and range of motion.   Any deficiency is expressed as a percent disabled, and there are laws that define levels of disability. 

For example, in the insurance industry, the loss of both eyes, or the loss of two limbs equates to “100% disability.”  Not being able to maintain a tight grip could be rated as 20% disability if the person’s occupation requires power gripping machinery.

Disability can also be subjectively quantified using Disability questionnaires where the patient rates his/ her ability to perform certain tasks on a scale of zero to some number; and the level of pain.  In some questionnaires, the zero rating means you have zero difficulty doing the task (best score), while in others the zero rating means you cannot do the task at all (worst score).

For example, the following is one section of the Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire.  Imagine having low back pain and rating yourself (0 to 5) on your ability to lift things:


 0 – I can lift heavy weights without extra pain

1 – I can lift heavy weights but it gives extra pain

2 – Pain prevents me from lifting heavy weights off the floor, but I can manage if they are conveniently positioned, i.e. on a table

3 – Pain prevents me from lifting heavy weights, but I can manage light to medium weights if they are conveniently positioned

4 – I can lift very light weights

5 – I cannot lift or carry anything at all

 When rating yourself, you must try to be as objective as possible—don’t over rate your ability; nor under rate it.  Give each question some thought.

Then, you add up the numbers, divide it by the total number of points and multiply by 100 to get a percentage score. 

If the zero rating is assigned to “full ability to do the task” (like the Oswestry above), then the score is interpreted as “percent disabled.”  So, an individual with no low back disability whatsoever will score zero out of 50 and his rating will therefore be zero percent disabled; i.e. 100% functional.  If his score is 30, then 30/50 x (100) = 60% disabled.

Below is an example of an Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire completely filled out:

oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire

In the above example, the total points out of all ten questions is 19, which is considered a Moderate disability, out of No, Mild, Moderate, Severe and Total Disability.  In this case, 19/50 x 100 = 38% disabled due to low back pain.  Now this person has a baseline for his condition, and can set goals to lower it each time; perhaps to 20% after a month, then 10% after three months of therapy.

If the zero rating is instead assigned to “no ability to do the task,” the score is interpreted as “percent functional.”  This is how the Upper and Lower Extremity Disability questionnaires are designed.  So a score of zero in this case means zero percent functional (totally disabled), and 30% means you are 30% functional (you lost 70% function in that limb).

Please note that Disability questionnaires are used as tools to quantify and set baselines for pain and functional capacity; your scores do not officially establish any disability you may have, they simply provide a more tangible interpretation of pain.

Quantifying pain/disability, even if subjective, gives you a sense of how significant it is; i.e. how much it affects your life.  Secondly, it can be used as a tool to measure your improvement over time, after doing some therapy and/or rehabilitation (strength and coordination exercises).  This lets you know if what you did works for your condition, and therefore, whether to continue or discontinue it. 

For example, if your baseline Oswestry score was 60%, and you were prescribed some McKenzie exercises for one week and a follow- up score was 40%, it suggests that those exercises improved your condition and you should continue or progress to the next level.  If it was 60% or higher, you should discontinue the exercises and try another approach.

You don’t have to see a doctor to use Disability questionnaires to subjectively assess your disability.  They are fairly straightforward to use and you can download the forms from the internet (see below; I’ve done it for you). 

Determine Your Pain/Disability Baseline

If you have low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or lower or upper limb pain then I suggest monitoring your condition using the appropriate disability questionnaire.   If you are getting therapy, your doctor should be having you fill these forms (or something similar) out each visit and going over the results with you.  It’s substandard care if you don’t know if the therapy you are getting or exercises you are doing is helping; these questionnaires will prompt you to think about the change or lack of change in your functional capacity, and will help you assess your care so that you can take appropriate action.

Below you will find forms to assess any musculoskeletal pain you are having.  If you wish to participate in the 30 Day Pain Relief Challenge, print out the appropriate disability questionnaire; rate your abilities as objectively as you can and calculate your score; set it aside, and be ready to fill out a new questionnaire after 30 days of diligently doing the things I will cover over the next 30 days.

My goal is for participants to experience at least a 50% improvement in their pain/ disability scores.  If you have any friends who might be interested in participating, please refer them to my site, and have them enter their email in the opt in form.

Download the Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire

Download the Neck Pain Disability Questionnaire

Download the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index Questionnaire

Download the Upper Extremity Disability Questionnaire

Download the Lower Extremity Disability Questionnaire



Knee Pain, Roosters and Osteoarthritis?

Knee Pain, Roosters and Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage lining the articulating (contacting) surfaces of a joint gets damaged or wears out, exposing nerve endings inside and leading to inflammation.  Since a joint is a precision, biological mechanism the slightest change in any of its components will eventually lead to breakdown, much like car engine.

As the cartilage thins, bone on bone contact occurs.   Since bone is living tissue, it will respond to this irritation by forming osteophytes, better known as bone spurs.  The osteophytes compound the problem by disrupting proper joint movement and irritating surrounding ligaments.  And to make matters worse, the joint fluid, called synovial fluid gradually loses its ability to cushion the joint.  Synovial fluid to a joint is like motor oil to a car engine’s cylinder:  it enables “near frictionless” movement.   It forms a thin, lubricating buffer between the ends of the two bones that make up a joint; for example in the knee, the tibia (lower leg) and femur (upper leg).

The knee is perhaps the most common joint to experience osteoarthritis.  It is a large, primary weight bearing joint that takes a lot of punishment in the course of a day.  Basic activities like walking, running, going up stairs, stepping down from a curb, exercising, and sports really put the knees to task.  Those who have advanced osteoarthritis in the knees realize how important they are to a normal life.

I ran across this treatment for knee osteoarthritis that involves a single injection that can last for six months.  It is called Synvisc-One, and it’s made from the combs of roosters.  Apparently, the substance found in rooster combs is similar in biochemical make up to that of synovial fluid.   If you’ve ever pressed or bent a rooster’s comb, you can see why– it is soft, cushiony, and rebounds quickly to its original shape.

synvisc injection into the knee joint

The procedure is a relatively quick outpatient procedure.  After filling out the necessary forms to ensure you have no contraindications, especially any known allergies to birds, the doctor injects the Synvisc into your knee joint using a large caliber needle.  There, it occupies the capsular space just like motor oil occupies a car engine’s cylinder.  The substance cushions the knee joint surfaces (distal femur-proximal tibia articulation) and lubricates the space to minimize abrasion of these surfaces.

Synvisc is indicated for the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee in patients who have failed to respond adequately to conservative non-pharmacologic therapy and simple analgesics, e.g., acetaminophen.  It can be an option for total knee replacement for some people.

The drawback is that you have to keep getting them.  But for those who have severe osteoarthritis in both knees and can’t afford or do not desire knee replacement surgery, six months of less pain is a pretty big deal.  As with all forms of treatment options, a lot of it is personal choice.  Not everyone’s situation is the same.

Check out our Self Treatment for Knee Pain video for non-drug, non-surgical therapies to manage osteoarthritis of the knee.

What Can Be Done About Meniscal Tear?

Capsule of right knee-joint (distended). Poste...

Image via Wikipedia

The meniscus is a shallow bowl shaped piece of cartilage that is attached to the lower leg bone, or tibia.  There is a medial meniscus (inner half of knee) and a lateral meniscus (outer half of knee).

The end of the femur (upper leg) bone has two protuberances called the femoral condyles, which rest on top of the meniscii (plural).  In the standing position, the meniscii bear the full weight of the body above the knee.  They serve as a cushion and shock absorber and protect both of  the ends of the tibia and the femur.  The meniscus also guide the action of the femoral condyles as you bend and extend your knee.

The knee is obviously a highly utilized, weight bearing joint.  It has the largest suface contact area of any joint in the body as it has to bear most of the body’s weight and on top of that, absorb shock from walking, running and jumping.  It is held together by several strong ligaments, the primary being the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments (ACL, PCL), the medial and lateral collateral ligaments (MCL, LCL), and the patellar tendons.  It is a synovial joint, which means it is totally encapsulated and lined with synovium, a specialized tissue that secretes synovial fluid to lubricate the joint.

The slightest alteration in the inner workings of the knee will lead to problems.  A common one is a meniscal tear.  The two basic types are a radial meniscal tear and a vertical meniscal tear.  A radial tear that expands forms what is called a “bucket handle” tear (3rd set in the below image- top and bottom).

types of meniscal tears

Meniscal tears are caused by excessive pounding forces to the knee, which weaken the meniscii over time.  Eventually a tiny tear forms, which grows in length as the individual continues to engage in the offensive activity (running on hard pavement, weight lifting, playing basketball, etc.), much like how a tiny crack in a car windshield grows into a long crack over time .  If a small piece breaks free, it floats inside the knee space, suspended in the synovial fluid.  Like a grain of sand in a watch, it interferes with the moving parts and can cause the knee to swell and become stiff..  Pain is felt deep inside the knee and is worse with prolonged standing and transitioning from sitting to standing.

Meniscal tears increase the chances of accelerated knee osteoarthritis, as “bone on bone” contact occurs between the ends of the femur and tibia.

TREATMENT:  Diagnosis is made with a knee MRI and arthroscopy.  Meniscal tears will most likely require arthroscopic surgery involving repair to the tear.  If you have a gradual onset of deep, focal knee pain accompanied by knee stiffness that doesn’t go away, see your doctor.

Prevention, as always, is the key.  I advise against sports that involve consistent and prolonged pounding forces to the knee.  This includes long distance running and frequent hard court basketball that involves jumping.  Consider doing functional exercises that combine cardio and strength instead.

Most leg exercises will strengthen the knee.  Do mostly closed kinetic chain exercises where the foot is immobilized.  This includes squats and lunges.

Intermittent jumping exercises are ok as long as they are controlled and are not the focus of an exercise session.  Power jumps and related plyometric exercises fall into this category.

Most meniscal tears grow too large to heal on their own by the time the patient seeks medical help.  This is why surgery is the only option.  The surgeon stitches together the tear, but thanks to the forces the knee has to endure, the tear often returns.

Some patients do not get surgery, and let the tear become chronic.  When it’s chronic, there is less acute pain, and more of a broad, dull pain in the knee.  In this scenario, the knee joint will experience accelerated degeneration, leading to knee osteoarthritis.  Eventually in the later years, knee replacement surgery is needed.

I made a general Knee Pain Rehab instruction video that includes things one can do to help deal with early stage knee pain.

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Want to Feel 10-20 Years Younger?

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