Understanding Impingement Syndrome in the Shoulder: Causes and Rehabilitation

Understanding Impingement Syndrome in the Shoulder: Causes and Rehabilitation

The shoulder is a marvel of human anatomy, offering an impressive range of motion. However, this mobility comes at a cost, as the shoulder joint is highly susceptible to various conditions and injuries, one of the most common being impingement syndrome. In this  article, I will discuss the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for shoulder impingement syndrome, with a primary focus on rehabilitation techniques to help individuals recover and regain full shoulder functionality.

Introduction to Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder impingement syndrome is a painful and often debilitating condition that occurs when the tendons of the rotator cuff and the subacromial bursa become pinched or impinged between the bones of the shoulder, primarily the acromion (a part of the scapula or shoulder blade) and the humerus (the upper arm bone). This impingement leads to inflammation, pain, and restricted shoulder movement.

Anatomy of the Shoulder

Before delving into the causes and rehabilitation of shoulder impingement syndrome, it’s crucial to understand the intricate anatomy of the shoulder joint. The shoulder comprises three bones: the humerus, the clavicle (collarbone), and the scapula (shoulder blade). The glenohumeral joint, where the head of the humerus articulates with the shallow socket of the scapula, allows for the remarkable range of motion in the shoulder.

Rotator Cuff and Subacromial Bursa – The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons and muscles that stabilize the shoulder joint and facilitate its movement. These four muscles include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis. They work in unison to control arm movements and maintain joint integrity. The subacromial bursa is a fluid-filled sac that reduces friction between the rotator cuff tendons and the acromion, promoting smooth shoulder motion.

Causes of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Understanding the underlying causes of shoulder impingement syndrome is crucial for effective rehabilitation. Several factors contribute to the development of this condition.

Anatomical Factors

Shape of the Acromion

The shape of the acromion can vary from person to person. Some individuals have a flat or curved acromion, while others have a hooked or pointed acromion. A hooked acromion is more likely to impinge on the underlying tendons, increasing the risk of impingement syndrome.

Bone Spurs

Over time, the formation of bone spurs (osteophytes) on the acromion or the clavicle can reduce the space within the subacromial space, making impingement more likely.

Overuse and Repetitive Movements

Overhead Activities

Engaging in repetitive overhead activities, such as painting, swimming, or throwing, can lead to overuse of the shoulder joint. This overuse can irritate and inflame the rotator cuff tendons, increasing the risk of impingement.

Poor Posture

Poor posture, especially slouching or forward-leaning positions, can alter the biomechanics of the shoulder joint, narrowing the subacromial space and leading to impingement over time.

Muscle Imbalances

Muscle imbalances in the shoulder girdle can also contribute to impingement syndrome. Weakness or tightness in certain muscles can alter the mechanics of the shoulder joint, leading to impingement.

Trauma and Injuries

Shoulder injuries, such as falls or accidents, can damage the structures within the shoulder joint, leading to inflammation and impingement syndrome. Additionally, dislocated shoulders or fractures can alter the joint’s anatomy, increasing the risk of impingement.

Signs and Symptoms of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of shoulder impingement syndrome is essential for early diagnosis and prompt treatment. Common symptoms include:


Pain is the hallmark symptom of shoulder impingement syndrome. The pain is typically located at the front or side of the shoulder and may radiate down the arm. It is often aggravated by overhead movements or reaching behind the back.


Individuals with impingement syndrome often experience weakness in the affected shoulder. This weakness can affect the ability to lift objects or perform daily activities.

Limited Range of Motion

Impingement syndrome can restrict shoulder mobility. Individuals may find it challenging to raise their arms overhead or reach behind their back.

Night Pain

Many people with shoulder impingement syndrome report pain at night, particularly when lying on the affected shoulder. This can disrupt sleep and lead to chronic fatigue.

Clicking or Popping

Some individuals may hear clicking or popping sounds when moving their shoulder. These noises can indicate underlying structural issues.

Diagnosis of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Diagnosing shoulder impingement syndrome involves a combination of clinical evaluation, patient history, and imaging studies. Healthcare providers typically follow these steps:

Medical History

The doctor will ask about the patient’s symptoms, including when the pain started, its location and severity, and any exacerbating factors like specific movements or activities.  Oftentimes, impingement syndrome can gradually appear with no obvious cause, but if you look at the long term history of the patient’s work and/or recreational activities, aggressive shoulder movements are typically included (repetitive lifting above the shoulder; contact sports, tennis, baseball pitcher, etc.).

Physical Examination

During a physical examination, the healthcare provider will assess the range of motion in the affected shoulder, strength, and any signs of inflammation or tenderness.  The cardinal sign is pain with shoulder abduction (raising the arm from the side causes a deep, sharp pain inside the shoulder joint; patient has difficulty raising his/her arm above shoulder level due to mechanical restriction and acute pain.

calcific tendonitisImaging Studies

Imaging studies, such as X-rays, ultrasound, or MRI, may be ordered to visualize the structures within the shoulder joint. X-rays can reveal bone abnormalities, while ultrasound and MRI can provide detailed images of soft tissues like tendons and the subacromial bursa.  However, this is usually only done if rest, physical therapy, and home care do not produce desired results after a week.

Cortisone injection

In some cases, an injection of a local anesthetic into the subacromial space may be performed. If the pain is alleviated shortly after the injection, it can confirm the diagnosis of impingement syndrome.  This is because with impingement syndrome, there is swelling and inflammation, and cortisone is a quick-acting anti-inflammatory medication.  So, if the pain is alleviated following a cortisone shot, it confirms there is localized swelling, which is likely coming from either the bursae or a tendon.

Non-Surgical Rehabilitation for Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

The treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome typically begins with non-surgical interventions, such as physical therapy and lifestyle modifications. The goals of rehabilitation are to alleviate pain, improve shoulder function, and prevent recurrence.

Rest and Activity Modification

Resting the affected shoulder and avoiding activities that worsen symptoms are essential in the early stages of rehabilitation. This may include temporarily ceasing activities that involve repetitive overhead motions.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a cornerstone of non-surgical treatment for shoulder impingement syndrome. A qualified physical therapist will design a personalized exercise program to address muscle imbalances, improve strength, and enhance shoulder mobility. Common physical therapy techniques include:

Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises target tight muscles in the shoulder girdle and surrounding areas. This can help improve flexibility and reduce tension that contributes to impingement (see video below).


You can use a red light therapy wrap to reduce pain and swelling of your impingement syndrome.  Red light therapy wraps use light in the therapeutic wavelengths of red and infrared to accelerate tissue healing and deep heat tissues to increase blood flow and oxygen.  See below for an example:


Shoulder impingement syndrome occurs when a swollen tendon and/or bursa inside the glenohumeral joint, where your humerus articulates with your scapula, impedes movement of the joint by rubbing against hard structures, particularly the acromion.  The goal is to shrink the swollen tendon so that proper movement is restored, and then correct any biomechanical deficiencies in the shoulder complex, such as weak or tight muscles, and subluxated joints affecting the shoulder movements,  using exercise rehabilitation, joint mobilization and red light therapy.

Is it Possible to Cure Chronic Pain By Yourself?

Last week, I wrote an article about the Three Paradigms of Health Care.   Just to clarify, paradigm in this sense means “a typical example or pattern of perceiving or doing something,” such as society’s paradigm of the “ideal” family.

A paradigm doesn’t carry implications of right or wrong; it simply describes how things are currently done or viewed by society.  Paradigms materialize from a combination of historical events, new scientific findings and social trends.

So, the paradigm of health care refers to what typical individuals think and expect of health care.

My proposal is that there are three paradigms of health care:

1. Passive healthcare where you receive it from a provider (doctor, therapist), which includes drug prescriptions, surgery, and physical therapy and chiropractic treatment.

2. Doctor-prescribed lifestyle modification directives; i.e. diet restrictions, exercises, work limitations, etc.

3. “Do It Yourself” health care, where the individual researches health information without the help of a doctor and does things to improve his or her health.

My conclusion is that all three are needed to cover all bases.

But, I also insist that the vast majority of people in the world have a sort of mental attachment; almost an addiction to the first paradigm.

There is this ingrained belief that one must have something done to them by a doctor to get healthy.  I think it’s mostly due to the barrage of drug advertisements, medical validation by society’s major institutions, and influence from parents.

Not enough emphasis is placed on the idea of nurturing the body and optimizing its natural recuperative abilities through lifestyle modification.  As a result, we live in a society that has a reactive stance to health that actually embraces “sick” care, not health care.

We are not as discerning as we should be in what we eat and fail to make time in our schedules to exercise or engage in physical activities like going on a long hike.  This makes us vulnerable to disease, illness and pain as it weakens our bodies’ ability to handle its environment.  It cracks the door open for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and chronic joint pain to creep into our lives.

Here’s my advice:

If you think you might be giving too much credit or deference to the first paradigm, shift gears in your thinking and investigate the third paradigm, “Do It Yourself” health.

Here are the advantages:

1. When you invest in your own health, i.e. take more responsibility and play an active role in it, you will be healthier.  It’s like a person diligently studying for an exam vs. one who doesn’t and tries to wing it on exam day:  the guy who is passive will do worse every time.  Like the guy who didn’t study, having a passive attitude towards your health leaves you vulnerable and unprepared.

2. For many types of cases, it’s cheaper than going to the doctor or therapist. You can find home treatment solutions to many common ailments online such as back pain, skin rashes, tension headaches and so on.  The key is to read only reputable sites (do research on the individual providing the information first to confirm he/she is qualified).

I’m not saying to never visit your doctor; just pointing out that in this day and age, information on anything is highly accessible and should be utilized properly.  Now I know there is a lot of crap online as well; the key is to develop an eye for what is legitimate and what is not, and do your due diligence.

So the question I present is, “Is it possible to cure pain by yourself?”

The answer is YES.  Now, that is just an answer to the question from a logic standpoint. I’m not saying that it is possible for you specifically; just that it is possible.

The pain I am talking about is chronic musculoskeletal pain, or pain affecting the bones, joints, muscles and related connective tissue (ligaments, tendons, cartilage).

Obviously there is a “point of no return” where these structures are so degenerated or damaged that pain will always be present.  This applies to conditions like knee, hip and low back pain involving severe, irreversible degeneration of structures.   What’s critical, then, is that you take action BEFORE you reach that point of no return; and there are LOTS of things you can do to arrest or even reverse the progression of degeneration.

The biggest one is dietary changes. If you have some kind of chronic pain, have you considered using dietary intervention to stop the pain?

Dietary intervention is a popular means to achieve weight loss, but you rarely hear about it being used specifically to fight pain.

Eliminating certain food categories can go a long way in reducing pain.  This includes processed sugar, grains, preservatives, additives, alcohol and caffeine. Try doing this for just one week, and see how you feel. I think you’ll be amazed.

Conversely, adding certain food categories or increasing their intake can reduce pain. This includes deep green, leafy vegetables; restricting fat intake to healthy fats like egg yolks, olives, coconut, avocados, seeds and nuts; and drinking only water. Do this for just one week, and see how feel. I think you’ll be amazed.

Secondly, there are home therapies you can do to reduce pain.  Massage, joint mobilization and certain safe, therapeutic tools and equipment are available.  One of my favorites that I use myself (for prevention) and have prescribed to patients suffering from low back pain is the PosturePump.

Lastly, making some tweaks to your routine can go a long way in reducing and reversing pain. This includes restful sleep, grounding, standing more and sitting less, and doing mind-body techniques such as meditation and EFT.

Bottom line, the Third Paradigm of health care,  Do It Yourself health care is on the rise.  There is still a cautious attitude towards it within the medical field, but probably because the idea of “people doing what doctors are trained to do” doesn’t sit well with many doctors.  But don’t let this discourage you.  Remember, you have the biggest stake in your health, so it is prudent to be invested in your health.  Don’t simply delegate it to doctors; get yourself involved; know what’s going on, what’s available for treatment, and the risks.

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